Biden Struggles in First 2024 Presidential Debate Against Trump

 Biden Struggles in First 2024 Presidential Debate Against Trump.

The current president appeared to struggle with his speech, while Republican Trump reiterated multiple false statements.

USA Today

28 jun 2024

In the first debate of the 2024 United States presidential race, President Joe Biden and Donald Trump faced off in a highly anticipated match-up, with the race so far being very close. Despite making the opening statement in Thursday’s event, Biden had some difficulty articulating his points clearly at several moments, occasionally fumbling for his words.
Meanwhile, Trump seized the moment to highlight Biden’s perceived weaknesses, stoking fears about immigration and the economy.

He also sidestepped questions about whether he would accept the results of the November 5 presidential election, stating he would only do so if it was “fair” and “free” while reiterating false claims that the 2020 election was rigged.

“The fraud and everything else was ridiculous,” he remarked, casting doubt on President Biden’s 2020 victory.

Trump is currently facing two criminal indictments – one in Georgia and another in Washington, DC – for his alleged attempts to overturn those election results.

USA Today

Rusty on stage.

On Thursday evening, the debate was held at the CNN news network's studios in Atlanta, Georgia. This event marked the first time since October 2020 that the two candidates had faced each other on the debate stage.

Many political observers speculated that they might be out of practice, as neither had participated in a public debate for several years.

Biden spent the week leading up to the debate at Camp David in Maryland, a presidential retreat where aides helped him prepare with mock setups. Meanwhile, Trump maintained his schedule of rallies. However, Biden appeared unsteady as he approached the podium, muttering briefly.

Nevertheless, when Biden faced the first question of the night, he came out swinging, aiming to undermine Trump’s popularity by criticizing his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We faced an economy in free fall," Biden addressed the mostly empty room, moderated by CNN's Dana Bash and Jake Tapper. "By the time he left, chaos ensued. We had chaos. We had to rebuild."

He also ridiculed Trump’s dismissive stance on COVID-19 precautions, likening it to dangerous online misinformation about cures: "Just inject a little bleach into your arm, and you’ll be alright."

When given the opportunity to respond, Trump's opening remarks showcased his trademark hyperbole, a characteristic for which the Republican candidate has gained recognition.

"We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We've never seen such success before. Everyone was astounded by it. Other countries were trying to emulate us," Trump stated in his opening remarks, later adding with a quip, "Everything was going incredibly well."

USA Today

"An intense evening unfolded amidst a fiercely contested race."

The evening marked a pivotal moment for both Trump and Biden, each championing contrasting visions for the future of the United States. Trump insinuated a decline under Biden's leadership, while Biden vigorously defended America's global position.

"I've never heard a president speak like this before. We are the envy of the world. Tell me which major country wouldn't trade places with the United States of America," Biden asserted at one juncture.

"No one doubts our strength. No one dares to challenge us. Nobody," he added emphatically.

In response, Trump countered at one juncture, "Joe, our nation is crumbling while we waste time on this debate." Leading up to Thursday's debate, polls indicated a close race between Trump and Biden, with the Republican slightly ahead. According to a survey by The New York Times and Siena College on the eve of the event, Trump had nearly 48 percent support, nearly four points ahead of Biden's approximately 44 percent. Analysts suggested that the debate could widen this gap. "Since the debate ended, I've been talking to Republicans and Democrats," reported Al Jazeera correspondent Alan Fisher. "The overwhelming consensus is that this was a strong night for Donald Trump."

Fisher emphasized the significance of stage presence, noting that Trump reiterated numerous campaign rally talking points. 

"Joe Biden called out Donald Trump for his lies, falsehoods, and exaggerations—things that simply aren't true," Fisher explained. "However, Trump appeared commanding, while Biden often failed to complete thoughts and seemed confused on certain points. It was a rough night for him."

Fisher also highlighted that the debate would raise further questions about Biden's age, given he is 81 years old compared to his 78-year-old Republican opponent. "This performance won't ease those concerns," Fisher concluded.

An extraordinary occurrence with familiar talking points.

The debate was notably unconventional for several reasons, particularly due to its unusually early scheduling. Both Biden and Trump advocated for moving the first presidential debate of the election cycle to June to prevent it from coinciding with early voting, which commences in some states as early as September.

This decision meant that the inaugural debate of 2024 occurred even before the major party conventions, where the candidates are formally designated as the Democratic and Republican nominees.

In another break from tradition, Biden and Trump circumvented the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, opting instead to organize the debates themselves and directly negotiate with CNN to host them.

Thursday's debate marked only the first of two presidential debates scheduled for this year, with political observers hoping Biden can improve upon his inaugural debate performance before the second debate on September 10.

During the debate, Trump vigorously criticized Biden's stance on immigration, employing inflammatory anti-immigrant language to stoke fears of violence.

"He supports open borders. He either wants our country to be destroyed or he wants these people as voters," Trump asserted regarding Biden's immigration policies.

In response, Biden sought to debunk the association between immigration and crime, citing studies that consistently show immigrants, on average, commit fewer crimes than native-born US citizens.

Biden responded to Trump's claims by addressing the prevalence of young women being raped by their in-laws or spouses. He also rebutted Trump's false statements about abortion, clarifying, "You're lying. That is not true. We are not for late-term abortion, period."
USA Today

Democrats rally around the president.

Despite critiques of Biden’s debate performance, Democrats swiftly rallied behind the president in the aftermath, reiterating claims that Trump poses a fundamental threat to US democracy.

"You don't abandon ship over one performance. What kind of party would do that?" remarked California Governor Gavin Newsom when asked about Biden stepping down. "This president has delivered. It's our turn to deliver for him now."

Vice President Kamala Harris, Biden’s running mate, acknowledged initial challenges but highlighted a strong finish by the president.

"Yes, there was a slow start, but he finished strong," she told CNN in an interview.

Nevertheless, Al Jazeera correspondent Fisher reported murmurs within the party about exploring alternative candidates if Biden's electoral viability came into question.

"He mentioned that Joe Biden's advantage lies in the five-month window until the election, allowing room for corrective actions. However, the uncertainty surrounds how these issues will be addressed, as this development has dramatically altered the course of the race."

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